Yho Codestars! It's day 1 and I have studied for several hours today, I feel good and I need no coffee๐.
Today's JAVA Lessons Learned!
JAVA is not an acronym, James Gosling chose the name Java, this is named after the JAVA Island in Indonesia where the first coffee was produced.
Characteristics of JAVA
Simple, object-oriented, dynamic, interpreted, strongly typed, robust, portable, secured, platform-independent, multithreaded, architecture-neutral.
- Everything in JAVA is an object except the fundamental types; which includes the primitive data and their corresponding wrapper classes /reference types.
- Java is a strongly typed language means that every variable must be declared with a data type, the data type must match the declared variable else the compiler will throw an error.
3 phases in Java:
- Write
- Compile
- Run
JAVA writes text files (in Java language), JAVAC (JAVA Compiler) compiles programs as input and generates byte codes as output, and JVM executes the bytecode generated by the compiler, this process is called the Program Run Phase.
The name evolved from GreenTalk (with the .gt file extensions) ⇒⇒⇒⇒ to Oak ⇒⇒⇒⇒ and finally to Java. Java can be used to develop mobile apps, web apps, desktop apps, games, and more.
OOP is a way of organizing programs as a collection of objects, each representing an instance of a class.
Java technology is a programming language and a platform, it is a language that has unique syntax. Java technologies have 4 platforms that contain JVM and API.
The 4 platforms are:
- JVM -- Java Virtual Machine
- JAVA EE -- Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
- JAVA SE -- Java Platform, Standard Edition
- JAVA ME -- Java Platform, Micro Edition
- JDK -- Java Development Kit
- JRE -- Java Runtime Environment
- API -- Application Programming interface
- JAVAC -- JAVA Compiler
Since my focus will be on Java SE for the next 6 months, let's discuss a little about Java SE.
JAVA SE provides a solid base for Java EE to run as JAVA SE is the minimum requirement to run a JAVA application. JAVA SE is a java operating environment installed on a user's computer.
It contains:
- Java Virtual Machine
- Java Class Library
- Java Runtime Environment
- Java Development KitJava is not a compiled language that results in the executable images that run directly on the computer processor, rather they are interpreted by the JVM.
The JVM provides an isolated environment for many operating systems it runs by creating an abstraction layer, which means the same JAVA code can run on many OS and does not require the programmer to make the code portable.
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