Yho Codestars! It's day 1 and I have studied for several hours today, I feel good and I need no coffee😊. Today's JAVA Lessons Learned! JAVA is not an acronym, James Gosling chose the name Java, this is named after the JAVA Island in Indonesia where the first coffee was produced. Characteristics of JAVA Simple, object-oriented, dynamic, interpreted, strongly typed, robust, portable, secured, platform-independent, multithreaded, architecture-neutral. Everything in JAVA is an object except the fundamental types; which includes the primitive data and their corresponding wrapper classes /reference types. Java is a strongly typed language means that every variable must be declared with a data type, the data type must match the declared variable else the compiler will throw an error. 3 phases in Java: Write Compile Run JAVA writes text files (in Java language), JAVAC (JAVA Compiler) compiles programs as input and generates byte codes as output, and JVM executes the bytecode ...